
The Easiest Hard Sell, The Shiniest Diamond in the Bay

Convincing young people to sit on a ferry for 90 minutes in order to walk for 4 hours is made easy with gelato, Vespas that glitter in the warm sun of early spring, feral cats a plently, flower boxes for days, stores selling unusual trinkets and Miraculous Ladybug toys we don’t have back home, a string of restaurants offering fresh mozzarella fresher than anything you can find stateside, and chill dogs on crooked streets flanked by pastel homes with paint flaking off in the most precious of locations as if designed by a Hollywood set maker.

Travel Bucket List: A Day on the Island of Ischia Italy with family

This was our day spent traipsing around the Italian island of Ischia during the Carnival Horizon’s port call in Naples.

Please amble around the crooked streets of Ischia with us. Simply head over to Traveling Dad to read and see (this might be my photo heaviest blog post ever) everything we saw and did on Ischia.

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