Post Tagged with: "travel stories"

What It’s Actually Like Out There — Traveling During COVID

What It’s Actually Like Out There — Traveling During COVID

Should we have been traveling during COVID? It’s a question I attempt to answer on Fodor’s Travel this week. My wife and I recently traveled to the Dominican Republic, to the Hard Rock Punta Cana, and lived to tell the tale. Here’s why we went even though she’s immuno-compromised, what […]

48 Hours in Galveston, Texas’ Curious Tropical Island

48 Hours in Galveston, Texas’ Curious Tropical Island

Is there a Bubba Gump shrimp in Galveston, Texas? You betcha there is. A Joe’s Crab Shack too. This slender strip of land is a beachfront tourist hub after all, and it shows, in parts, but there’s more than mile upon mile of sandy gulf coast shoreline and the requisite […]



She doted on me at my half-filled two top, making me feel like the celebrity my Gaylord keycard lied and said I was. Leesa made sure I stayed hydrated while in her care, on account of the altitude and my not being an acclimatized native. A mile high, forever grounded. […]

Why I’m Returning to: Cheyenne Wyoming

Why I’m Returning to: Cheyenne Wyoming

I’ve been to the western side of Wyoming. It’s stunning. Many know this, for that’s where Yellowstone and Jackson Hole and The Grand Tetons lie. In August of 2019, I had the chance to spend a few sunny summer days and cool crisp nights on the eastern edge of the […]

The Best Spinach and Artichoke Dip is Downtown at The Met

The Best Spinach and Artichoke Dip is Downtown at The Met

A three cheese blend. Artichoke hearts. Sauteed spinach. We’ve all had it somewhere, at some some point. But this here, this version of spinach and artichoke dip was and is next level. The way The Metropolitan Downtown in Cheyenne Wyoming prepares their dip is both richer and lighter, fluffy almost, […]

Tacos and Root Beer in Cheyenne on a Patio with Dogs, Kids, ‘Bags’ and a New Friend

Tacos and Root Beer in Cheyenne on a Patio with Dogs, Kids, ‘Bags’ and a New Friend

Bucking broncos, herds of grazing cattle on undulating plains, and maybe a dusty Union Pacific freight train stretched out to kiss the horizon squarely on the lips. These are, if I’m not being too presumptuous, what you (and to be fair, most everyone) would impulsively think of if playing a […]

There’s room for you in Nebraska

There’s room for you in Nebraska

You’ve flown over Nebraska without giving much thought to the 37th state 37,000 miles below. I get it, you were probing around the bottom of your tiny bag of pretzels in search of loose salt as the forgettable movie played on the seat back in front of you. Maybe you’ve […]

The Best Sunday Brunch in Houston Heights

The Best Sunday Brunch in Houston Heights

The tomatoes are bite-sized and tossed in a housemade pesto vinaigrette, the asparagus has been roasted to fork-knifing perfection, the air inside the 70-seater restaurant in Houston Heights was being moved by Ingrid Michaelson, HAIM, and Vampire Weekend, the dominate art feature (each Postino location has one as a calling […]

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