
A More Rewarding Summer Vacation

Discover it Miles Card Summer Travel Story Road Trip

Who’s ready to hit the open road this summer?

Summer 2015.

The summer of a most epic American adventure.

The summer of the cross country road trip.

The summer of 3 weeks spent in cities, towns, forests, canyons, National Parks, amusement parks, mountains, and lakes; 3 weeks at museums, concerts, baseball games, and zipline courses.

The summer of 3200 miles in 3 weeks.

Samsung NX1 in Muir Woods

The girls pretending to shoot a selfie camera commercial in Muir Woods, California.

This is the summer vacation my wife has been waiting years for; for the girls to be older, for me to say yes to that much driving.

We’re taking it slow: 2 weeks to cross, 1 week in California, with lots of time to explore, to go off task, to see what we see. We’ll miss some stuff, we’ll get disappointed, we’ll make plans to return to further explore there and there, we’ll wish we skipped this or that, we’ll yell and scream, we’ll hug and kiss, we’ll stand in awe of nature’s magnificent splendor, we’ll make sure stuff stays in Vegas, Baby, and we’ll close the curtain in the happiest place on Earth.

Vegas, Baby Famous Welcome to Vegas Sign

Vegas, Baby.

And all the while, as per tradition, we’ll be plotting our next summer vacation adventure, one that’ll be made more plausible thanks to all the money spent on the current vacation. Wait, what?

My oldest daughter just got this mini-money lesson last week, so lemme ‘splain it to you now, because it applies very much to our travel and vacation planning habit. Here’s the very short backstory, I got into credit card trouble when I was young. Spent more than I made, had too good a time, tried to start a business. No regrets — live and learn. I paid the price and vowed to never again stumble in that way, and I haven’t. I’ve learned much.

Instead of carrying the weight of recurring debt, I now maximize the benefits of credit cards like the Discover it®  Miles card, which rewards you with 1.5x miles for every dollar spent. This means it’s easier to achieve free flights while doing the stuff you are already doing, like driving across the whole of the country for 3 weeks with a pair of adventurous kids in the back and a giddy wife and her trusty road atlas beside you.

Daughter near Big Sur CA

My youngest girl near the Big Sur, California coastline.

So while we embark on our epic road trip this summer, splashing plastic cash on gas, food and lodging from coast to coast, we are also preparing for our summer vacation of 2016, when we’ll look to fly away and tour England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. See? Makes perfect sense, all thanks to credit cards like the Discover it®  Miles card.

Discover it Miles Card Summer Travel Story Road Trip Photo

Slide in a DVD and let’s get going!

Here’s what I look for in a credit card: no foreign transaction fees, no annual fee, and points/miles that never expire — because Jeffy doesn’t like to have his hand forced. I’m saving for something special, so get out of here with ‘expiration dates’. Puh-lease.

The it®  Miles card from Discover has all of those perks and more, like the ability to use your points as cash, for hotels, flights (of course), or taxicabs, and adds a sweet bonus of up to a $30 credit for in-air WiFi charges. Now here’s a card that understands the needs and spending habits of a frequent traveler! And check this, credit card rewards lovers: the Discover it®  Miles card will double your miles as an introductory offer at the end of your first year. Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away!

Discover also waives the late fee the first time you forget, by, say, 7 stinking hours, to make your Discover it®  Miles card payment. I just did that very thing the very next day — no kidding — after I talked to my oldest girl about responsible credit card usage, how I righted my financial ship, and how I manage my credit meticulously nowadays. Oh, the irony. And oh how I wish my first lateness in a dozen years was on the Discover it®  Miles card.

No matter where your family plans to travel in 2015, use the Discover it®  Miles card and help pay for your family’s 2016 summer vacation in the process!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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