Ten Days Until Strange Magic

Strange Magic Movie Poster

I would have never thought a film spawned from the mind of George Lucas could ever, in 2015, fly under the radar but as my wife just said over my shoulder as she watched the Strange Magic Creatures and Cast Featurette: “oh, what’s this? Is it an indie film, I haven’t heard anything about it.”

Strange that she isn’t wrong. We aren’t being bombarded with Strange Magic commercials and merchandise, in fact, we haven’t seen anything about this spirited animated film anywhere offline. Granted, we don’t watch a lot of TV, but still…

I’ve seen and heard all I need to in these videos to make a date for the Jan 23rd opening — the remarkable Alan Cumming voicing the antagonist The Bog King is good enough to punch my ticket!

Strange Magic looks a lot like EPIC in the trailer, with a forbidden love / save the world story arc instead of an isolated father/estranged daughter / save the world one. And we loved the look & feel of EPIC, so yeah, give us some of your Strange Magic, Mr. Lucas!

There’s only ten days until Strange Magic opens everywhere on January 23, 2015!

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