Throughout my 20+ years as a passionate song spelunker and manic music consumer, I’ve discovered artists and albums and songs through a myriad of ways: college radio, zines, friends, opening acts, liner note thank yous, Pitchfork, Daytrotter, record store sound systems, show posters, and countless other ways I cannot even begin to recall, but today I found one in a brand new, serendipitous way.
As you may know, I publish a monthly music podcast, sharing with you and your kids the passion me and my kids have for modern independent family music. It’s fun and I think you’ll like it. Anyway, I shared on Twitter news of the latest episode being published and a few kind folks retweeted it shortly thereafter. One of those folks remarked that he hopes to hear his songs on the pod someday. His Twitter handle is @TheWhirlygigs which was intriguing unto itself. In a couple of clicks I was on his site and listening to samples of his 4-song EP. When in a rush, I often scan song titles, looking for one that might jump out at me and that’s exactly what “Mooshpie” did. I hit play and by the 45-second mark I was welling up a bit and was certain I was hearing musical greatness. I tweeted something along those gushing lines back to @TheWhirlygigs re: that song and he promptly sent me back this video. And that’s when my jaw dropped all the way to the ground.
All of this happened early today. I’ve listened to this song and watched this video at least a dozen times already. For good reason. It’s the huskiness of Ray LaMontange, the passion of Greg Holden, and the earnestness of Cat Stevens rolled into 210 gorgeous seconds of musical bliss.
If you hear “Mooshpie” the way I hear “Mooshpie” you probably have a daughter that you love more than words could express in a lifetime of novels written with sketches of toothless smiles, gut laughs, messes of hair, and finger-squeezes.
If you hear “Mooshpie” the way I hear “Mooshpie” you probably will press repeat on this video several times today. Because of this, I looped it here to save you the trouble 😉
Enjoy “Mooshpie” by The Whirlygigs and then spend the $.99 to download this lovely tune:
Mooshpie – Live in the Studio from The Whirlygigs on Vimeo.