OWTK Kindie Music News / Red Tricycle

A Kindie Rock Q&A Cage Match with Recess Monkey


Just as there’s a finite limit on the number of occasions one can smash one’s head into a brick wall and still realistically expect to walk away unscathed, one can only extoll the virtues of a particular kind of music, using words alone to describe said music, for so long. Such is where I am at with the kindie music scene. I’ve tipped over my adjective bucket only to find coffee cake crumbs, a toothpick, a handful of discharged staples, and the half-chewed eraser of a #2 pencil. It’s high time I try something else.

And so with that in mind, I have launched what I hope will become a series of Dating Game style Q&A’s with the most entertaining of kindie rock musicians and their significant others, pitting them against each other to ruin relationships for the merriment of my readership. Everyone must make sacrifices to make this work.

And so with that in mind, and to celebrate the release of their luscious new album Desert Island Disc on Red Tricycle, I set out on my tugboat of dreams into the misty unknown and threw caution straight into the winds of inevitable change, all in an effort to discover, once and for all, who knows bassist Jack Forman best: his wife Ellen or band husband Drew.

*Photo of Recess Monkey by Kevin Fry

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