OWTK Gaming

The Legend of Zelda Documentary

Many of you may already know that I am no gamer. That’s Cooper McHatton’s department, he is, after all, my West Coast Gaming & Toy Correspondent. Sure, we do the Skylanders thing here, and we adore that, but that is exactly it, the extent of our gaming life. Well, mine anyway. I don’t even play games on my iPhone or iPad. I’d much rather burn through my precious time trolling Twitter, Instagram or Vine than cut a rope, fling a bird or handle any kind of controller. That said, Legend of Zelda, and that magical gold cartridge, will always have a special place in my heart, this despite not seeing the game on screen for nearly two and a half decades. I was crazy about Zelda as a kid.

I just now stumbled upon a documentary movie project and that movie’s apparently doomed Kickstarter 🙁 that looks to examine the ubiquity and influence of Zelda on our society. What makes this a special project is, among other things, the target delivery method for the film: a game. The It’s Dangerous To Go Alone…The Movie documentary will be interspersed and experienced through a game making it a playable film, which, frankly, is so freakin’ brilliant it makes me well up a bit.

And all this from a non-gamer.

I backed the movie’s Kickstarter at the boomerang level and if you are of my generation and/or a gamer today, you’ve gotta check it out too.

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