Behind every successful (definition pending) dad blogger is an amazing woman. Or an amazing man. Or no one at all. I pretty much have no idea where I was going with that, but I do know where I am going this week (how ’bout that professionally awkward segue?)
I am off to Houston to attend the annual Dad 2.0 Summit, but before I head down to the airport I gotta do that thing I do before to jet away, that is, set up my girls with good food and clean clothes for the duration of my trip. Such is my ritual. It isn’t that the Mrs. is incapable of running the house, but she’s got more than enough on her plate with work and college and Word with Friends so, while I am not present, my sweet little fatherly touches will be. I am making dinners, as if for an aging grandmother, preparing a mountain of healthy snacks, and there won’t be a stitch of dirty or unfolded clean laundry to be found when my plane’s wheels tuck in tomorrow and the Philly tarmac becomes a memory.
Why, exactly, I am I going to a digital dad conference in the first place? No (big) idea, really. Basically, when I first heard about it, I thought it’d be a fun adventure, and a chance to meet some guys who I respect for their ability to turn a phrase and connect with an audience. Now, I am most excited about the Texas weather. Never thought that sentence would come from my fingertips. Should be a hoot, a temperature pleasing hoot at the very least. I even bought a casual sport coat, to attempt pulling off that jacket with jeans thing that the handsome fellas often do. Yeah, we’ll see.
But first, meatballs! And crabcakes! And pancake batter! And slicing fresh veggies! And cutting fruit! And laundry!
I do all of this work, leave all of my finest fatherly qualities behind, out of a deep love. Because it fills me with joy knowing that the girls and their terrific mum will simply be able enjoy each others company without having to bother with doing shit like emptying the dishwasher, and that they might approximate having me here at home with them still, while I cavort with dudes in my least favorite state 1536 miles away.
*photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc