I weave in and out of this blogger tradition, this Wordless Wednesday thing. Ideally, I’d have developed some kind of routine over the 6 years of this blog, some kind of schedule so that you, my lovely & loyal readers, would know what to expect to see on OWTK day after day after day. This may never happen. But a free writing exercise yesterday and a suite of photos today (in a not-exactly wordless post) may get me on some form of track. Or not. We’ll see.
The Bunny Rabbit Blues
Mouse’s first dance recital took place on the weekend. She displayed no fear being on stage in front of hundreds, blowing kisses, and being a total ham.
Predictably, the 40-minute event was one of those tears-in-your-eyes parenting moments that you try your damnedest to capture with enough film and video to fill up a handful of thumb drives, but never really do. I loved every minute of it, even minutes that didn’t involve my child, like, for example, when a tiny girl from another preschool ballet class – the Magic Tutu group – waved back to the Bunny Rabbit Blues troupe and said, loud enough for the whole theater to hear, “Hi Bunny Rabbits!”. Impossible adorableness.
And speaking of…
*Bunny Rabbit Blues photo credits: Jill Bogle & copyright OWTK