Bill (Harley) & Keith (Munslow) Announce Their Excellent Song Title Contest in conjunction with XM/Sirius Radio’s Kid’s Place Live. I’m guessing you have to be over 32 years of age to get the “Bill & Keith’s Excellent…” reference.
The instructions are pretty straightforward. Have your kid(s) think of a killer song title or two or a dozen and send them in to Bill & Keith. Knowing Bill a little bit, the goofier the better! The winning entry will have a brand new tune written, record and released officially with their title and then played (often, I reckon) on Kid’s Place Live. This is all kinds of cool. I already emailed the Bear’s teacher and printed off a copy of the instructions for the Mouse’s Pre-K classroom.
Below are Bill & Keith discussing their Excellent Song Title Contest. Enter the contest here.