This is the post I started writing last Thursday, with the working title “A Mild Christmas Breakdown”:
I am writing this post as a means for catharsis for me because I am kinda freaking out right now. The Mouse is going through a stretch of excessive crying over tiny inconveniences and minor discomforts, and then she ended up in bed with the Mrs and I two nights ago and proceeded to poke and kick me from 3-6am. My back has been stiff and sucky since. Thanks, darling.
Christmastime hasn’t arrived in its glorious entirety yet in my humble home. It was, as it almost always is, my goal to complete shopping and decorating before the calendar flips to December but neither is finished and I’m very sour as a result. And, as if that simple fact wasn’t enough, some of our mini-white tree lights are duds and no store, NOT A SINGLE ONE, has any mini-white, non-LED, non-blinking/flashing/dancing/pooping/pulsating white lights left in stock. Don’t name a store for me to try, I’ve already been there and they don’t have them. And as I’ve discussed previously, my holiday season is all about the lights, the lights, the lights.
Then an opportunity to post about my decorations and keeping-the-house-clean-during-the-holidays tips came up and an itty bitty Christmas miracle happened. I found 3 boxes of 50 mini-white lights, the last 150 white lights in the Western Hemisphere; just enough to finish off our big Christmas tree.
Yeah, my back still hurts and I wish my house had a dungeon to stash away the Mouse, but the tree is done at least. As is the rest of the puny palace. Just in time for entertaining this weekend. Whew.
Here’s how some of it looks:
As far as keeping it this way; orderly and clean when there are two kids sub-8 years old running free? Um, ask Santa for some elf maid service? No, that likely won’t work. A lot of hard work, that’s all that does work around here, and the commitment, as a family, to put everything back where it belongs before bedtime so we can wake up each morning to our tidy little Christmas Village, complete with two trees glowing a soft white from tip to toe.
Or you can schedule a holiday party at your place every single day! If that kind of avoiding-embarrassment motivation is the only thing that’ll get you to clear those corner cobwebs, so be it. Whatever works.
*Note: I am sharing my holiday home decor and cleaning tips for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls and Great Cleaners.