Clever Girls / Parenting Blog

Holiday Comforts: The Lights, The Lights, The Lights

This post is sponsored by Tempur-Pedic, the brand millions of owners trust to deliver their best night’s sleep every night. Enjoy our Buy 2, get 1 free pillow offer now and give the gift of custom comfort to someone you love.


“it’s like you took the giant Christmas tree
at Rockefeller center and
you spread it paper thin
but you were careful not to break a bulb
and then you mirrored it a million fold
to shine
and shine
and shine along

…before i go to bed tonight
i’ll signal up to the passing flight
hit the lights
the lights
the lights
the lights.”
– Bishop Allen “Flight 180”

Despite its opening phrase, this gorgeous rock song I quote has positively nothing do to with the holiday season, yet its imagery never fails to conjure up thoughts of twinkling lights, of candles flickering, and of red-noses shining.  And all of that brings me unmeasurable amounts of peace, joy, and comfort.

The lights, the lights, the lights.

As a dad to a pair of children under 8, I don’t find myself lighting too many candles throughout the better part of the calendar year; a couple up high on the shelf when the wifey and I are watching a movie late at night, a few on the dining room table when entertaining friends.  That’s about it.  It’s said that who you are as an 11 or 12-year old is, in a real way, who you will be forever.  When I was just into double digits, my parent’s house caught fire while I was inside it. A genuine fear of the flame persists to this day.

But the threat of being burned alive be damned!  At Christmastime, the smell of over-sized scented candles in forest green pine, taupe Christmas cookie, and a deep crimson mulberry waft down to the end of my driveway nearly 24-hours a day.  Those dancing flames, along with the miniature white lights strung around and around our two trees, the soft glow emanating from my Department 56 North Pole Village on the mantel in my office, the bright red bulbs that shine from reindeer noses in the front yard, and the strands of green & red adorning archways throughout the house, instill in me a sense of supreme comfort I can find nowhere else.

The lights, the lights, the lights.

The lights and their magical effect on me is the reason I’m crazy about getting the Christmas shopping done and paid for before December comes-a-knockin.  Because when the (relatively) stressful part of the holiday season is clearly in my rear view mirror, I’m free to bask in the warm glow of the lights, the lights, the lights.

Comfort is the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday gift list, so be sure to take advantage of Tempur-Pedic’s Buy 2, get 1 free pillow offer! I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective.

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