Full disclosure: The Mrs. is a Mighty Mac.
Okay, not exactly. But she is currently attending Immaculata University, formerly College. Oh man, could you imagine her playing competitive basketball? Ha! Lemme stew on that for a minute…
Okay, fun’s over. Not really though because The Mighty Macs movie is a full court of fun, and for young girls who have either not yet had their souls crushed by the oppressive machine of modern anti-feminist culture or have, and are looking for a new reason to believe in magic, miracles, and ways to unearth the true power of their girldom, The Mighty Macs is and are inspiring.
You needn’t be a religious sort, a fan of girl’s basketball, a nun, or even a woman to enjoy this film. I am none of those yet I found the tale, a local one for me, to be heartwarming, and more than a little fist-pumping. Think Rudy with a ponytail. I even shed a few tears in the dark theater. The story of the 1972 girls college basketball team at a small suburban Philadelphia school is the quintessential American underdog tale – one of commitment; be that to your faith, your teammates, your spouse, or to yourself and your dreams – and as such it’s gonna delight and have you cheering right up until the final whistle.
Through the non-cynical eyes of my littlest lady age 4, the film’s heady big picture themes likely missed the mark. That’s okay though because what did connect is the heart of the matter; that girls regardless of size or social status can rise up to do great things with an unbeatable spirit and headstrong determination. And there isn’t anything more American than that.
The Mighty Macs starring Carla Gugino, David Boreanaz, and Ellen Burstyn is currently in theaters. Click here to search for showtimes and screens near you and your mighty girls.