Parenting Blog

A Night with Hurricane Irene

We are well. The house, yard, and such are as they we’re yesterday morning.

Not sure how you spent your Saturday afternoon, but we saw our first hurricane as the perfect opportunity to rearrange the furniture. The dining room table was moved onto the family room’s green carpet.  The sofa was slid across the faux-hardwood dining room floor on bath towels and positioned beneath our picture window looking out onto the backyard. Then the Bear, Mouse, Mrs. and I sat, snuggled and watched Irene’s exclusive, one-night-only Philly-area performance.

A little underwhelming, I gotta say.  Not that I’m not complaining.

Earlier, we’d prepared the girls with some hurricane science thanks to public radio, a couple rad satellite images, and the Bear’s new Macmillan Dictionary for Children which has a 1/2 page spread on hurricanes with clever photos, conveniently enough.  They we’re never scared, slept well, and awoke with a Christmas-morning curiosity to see what Irene had left us.

We here hope sincerely that you, wherever you call home, are safe & sound.

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