Both times the Mrs. was with child she also was, like many an expecting parent, afraid of a number of things: her seizure disorder, most notably, but also of clef lip. You’ve probably seen photos of children impacted by this and it’s a horrifying sight.
Smile Train is an organization that helps children born with a clef lip and clef palate. Kid’s musician Andy Mason, with the help of others including powerful lead vocals by Amber Wiley, has recorded a stellar benefit song titled “Smile” that is now available for download with 100% of the proceeds benefiting Smile Train. In the video, you’ll see a ton of happy, smiling folks and also a smattering of before and after photos featuring children with clef lip/palate. It’s amazing to know that surgery to help these children takes a relatively small amount of money and time.
Enjoy the video for “Smile” by Andy Mason, then head here to download the tune for $1.29 and help a worthy cause.