The 2010 Fids and Kamily music awards were distributed over the weekend. Bill Childs, daughter Ella and son Liam slowly unwrapped the top 10 from 9-10am on Mr. Childs’ weekly indie kid’s radio show Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child. The list is impressive and not that dissimilar to my own personal top 10. The one glaring difference: my #1 didn’t make the cut! Oh, it’s an honorable mention, but really, it deserved so much more.
Not to keep you in suspense – ’cause I know y’all are just dying to know what albums I picked and in what order – but that’ll have to wait until later in the week. I’ll also be announcing my top 10 songs of 2010 in that post. Maybe I’ll throw in a top 5 album covers of the year too.
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