OWTK Kindie Music News

Sneak Peek: Gustafer Yellowgold’s Infinity Sock

You’ve still got a few months to wait for the 4th CD/DVD in Gustafer Yellowgold series (3/1/2011 to be exact), but this should wet your Yellowgold appetite nicely!

Follow this link to view a special sneak peek of Gustafer Yellowgold’s Infinity Sock!

Want to find out more?  Check out my preview of iSock for TONY Kids Magazine (Sept. 2010 issue), and Zooglobble’s recent interview with Gustafer Yellowgold creator Morgan Taylor.

*The annual Yellowgold Holiday sale is in full swing in the official store.  Pick up any or all of the 1st three CD/DVD sets, and this snazzy new limited edition, screenprinted, hand-signed and numbered “Jump on Cake” poster for a lucky little dude or dudette in your life.

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