OWTK Kindie Music News

Nice Mix of Talent on New Putumayo Kids CD

Putumayo Kids “Acoustic Dreamland” won’t be ready until February of next year, but the advance buzz on the world music label’s 5th offering in the Dreamland series seems deserved.

There’s a neat mix of talent being folded into this sleepytime disc with kindie stars Frances England and Elizabeth Mitchell appearing – England having recorded the lullaby “Here With Me” especially for “Acoustic Dreamland”, while Mitchell croons on The Allman Brothers “Blue Sky” – and notable grown-up music makers Rosie Thomas, Hem, and Daniel Martin Moore also contributing tracks. Additionally, the unplugged lullaby album will include covers of James Taylor (“You Can Close Your Eyes”) and Wilco (“My Darling”) tunes.

And once again, the artwork for a Putumayo release is glorious.

“Acoustic Dreamland” is due 2/22/11 on Putumayo Kids Label.

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