OWTK Kindie Music News

Be a Part of the Kid’s Music Event of the Year

That’s exactly what the Kindiefest kid’s music festival is shaping up to be.  And you (assuming you are a kid’s musician/band) can be a part of the excitement (keep reading).

Details are emerging on nearly a daily basis, being leaked methodically on Facebook and Twitter as a way of building up an insane level up curiosity and excitement – and damnit if it isn’t working!

Here’s what we know so far:

The date: Sunday, May 2nd 2010

The venue: Littlefield, in Brooklyn, NY

The confirmed acts:

I anticipate many more artists/bands being added to this bill, but it’s already an amazing event with those four.

Here’s the juicy bit: There’s currently an open call to fill 5 more slots, both on Saturday (at the industry-only showcase) and on Sunday at the public concert.  Interested?  Go here for all the details.

The best part of the Sunday festival may be the price.  Hows about a crisp 10-spot, per person?  At that price, there is positively no reason not to block off Sunday 5/2/10 on your iCal.

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