Children's Book Reviews

WorryWoo Monsters – Meet Rue!

Almost a year ago OWTK devoted a full week (named, cleverly enough, WorryWoo Week) to the WorryWoo Monsters, a new series of independently published books and original dolls from the creative mastermind Andi Green. I ended that week with a teasing sneak peek at Rue and now…

…I’m honored to officially introduce you to him. So without further delay, here is Rue, the Monster of Insecurity.

The new book, entitled The Nose That Didn’t Fit, is 30% longer than The Lonely Little Monster, clocking in at a healthy 88 pages – each filled with breathtakingly illustrated scenes of lovely sunrises, flowers and brilliant purple/pink/blue skies.

As much as I love The Lonely Little Monster, this new book is superior. That comment alone sent the Bear into a tizzy. Seems she is very protective of Nola and took my gushing praise of The Nose That Didn’t Fit as a personal attack on a best friend. Nola should hold her head up high, The Lonely Little Monster has stood up over the course of the past year and is still outstanding in it’s own right. But Rue’s book is stronger. This is because Rue’s story is more dynamic, and in the end, more powerful for all readers – young and old. In Rue’s tale there are two “co-star” characters with prominent speaking parts, whereas Nola, do to the nature of her lonely story, was literally on an island for 95% of her tale. Rue, in contrast, interacts with a wizard and a cute large-nosed girl monster all throughout The Nose That Didn’t Fit. It’s also pretty funny: there’s an inchworm who charges $.50 for nose measurements, a WorryWoo self-help book and a lima bean rainstorm. The result is a terrifically engaging ode to insecurity and the overwhelming joy of loving one’s self (warts, or big-snout, and all!)

The Bear has now taken Nola, Rue and both of their books into school for show-n-tell and both the teachers and her classmates fawned over the stories and the cuddly, unique dolls. One teacher remarked she was secretly hoping someone would buy her some WorryWoo stuff as a Christmas present, after she perused the WorryWoo website earlier last month. The impressive emotional power of the Woos will captivate children and is certainly not lost on adults.

The WorryWoo Series comes with my highest possible recommendation.
The Nose That Didn’t Fit and the rest of the WorryWoos would make a fantastically original kid’s birthday party gift. While only the first two books have been released thus far, a total of 4 WorryWoo stuffed dolls can be purchased (and the other two are equally as charming) right now.

Visit the new and the snazzy new WorryWoo Online Store. Check out the new plush monsters and the stylish wall art featuring all the WorryWoos!

OWTK & WorryWoo Rue Signed 1st Edition Book/Doll Set Giveaway!

I’m very pleased to be able to give away two (2) Rue Book and Doll Sets to a couple of lucky OWTK readers. Simply click here and then leave a comment at the bottom of this post with a name of one of the WorryWoo Monsters not named Nola or Rue. Do so by 11:59pm (ET) on Friday January 23rd 2009 and you will have a chance to take home Rue – the doll – and a 1st edition book signed by Andi Green!

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