OWTK Kindie Album Reviews

Funky Mama “Moo Juice” CD Review

The first thing you will probably think upon hearing “Moo Juice” is: How the heck does that voice come from such a petite individual? That was my first thought as I listened to the soulful, motown-esque tunes on Funky Mama’s new record “Moo Juice”. This record represents a rare treat in kid’s music – the chance to expose a child to a kiddie version of a non-rock/folk genre (which is the category most children’s music falls into these days).

“Moo Juice” is straight up Supremes-inspired funk-lite music with a vocal delivery that really packs a punch. Think The Commitments soundtrack without the smell of booze and cigarettes. Tracks like “Sippy” and “Potty Train” stand out here but really each song is strong in it’s own way.

Funky Mama Krista Eyler’s story is also worth listening to. She ditched an on-air TV reporter gig to focus on being a mom and recording music. Now that is a cool career change. Her efforts have really paid off as she has produced one hell of a unique kid’s album that deserves your attention.

Sample all the tracks here. Then pick up a copy of “Moo Juice” on the same page.

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