I’ve just learned that Shudder to Think is getting back together for a tour this fall!
I’m so incredibly stoked! I saw them several times, many moons ago…once as the opener for Foo Fighters at a sweaty, packed Trocadero in Philly (the Foo’s first ever tour). I then saw Craig Wedren (lead vocalist for Shudder to Think) play solo during a live THE STATE comedy show in NYC.
Check out their video for X-French Tee Shirt.
This reunion tour news, along with the derth of bands deciding to play their “famous” records live at special events/festivals, got me to thinking what would be my all time wish-they’d-get-back-together-and-tour list or wish-they’d-play-that-record-live list. Here goes:
- Afghan Whigs (without a doubt my favorite band of all time. If I knew that last time I saw them would have been the last time…)
- Quicksand
- Hoover
- Silkworm (impossible because of a senseless death)
- The Band – original lineup circa early 70’s (impossible because of death and also hatred between band members)
- Bob Dylan – performing Blonde on Blonde in it’s entirety
- Drill For Absentee
That’s it, off the top of my head, although I’m certain that I’m missing some band I loved a decade ago.
What band would you love to see get back together or play their classic album live?