Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs Movie Trailer

On the way into the theater today to see Adventureland I spotted the poster for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. As soon as I got home I found the trailer. Wow, this film looks absolutely terrible. Take everything pleasing about the book – grandfather spinning tall tale of Chewandshallow, […]

Get Your Face Off My Feet – The Search For Kid's Shoes

Get Your Face Off My Feet – The Search For Kid's Shoes

It may come as no surprise that the Mouse’s newest pair of kicks is devoid of characters. We seek out such products, those that are stylish and unique yet remain affordable. That combination is becoming harder and harder to come by these days. Walk into any Target (or similar) and […]

Rock-N-Roll Brothers and Sisters

Rock-N-Roll Brothers and Sisters

I don’t do this much. I purposely do not push my t-shirts and other swag onto you my OWTK readership. That probably means, above all else, that I’m pretty poor as a businessman. Really though, it’s just because I have no desire to turn OWTK into a selfish, internet spam-fest. […]


Out With The Kids on Facebook!

OWTK is now on Facebook! Click here and become a fan of the site. I’m going to use the Facebook page for videos, photo albums and some extra content that doesn’t make sense here on the blog. If you’re a fan, you won’t miss a thing. I’m back from NYC […]

An Amazing Day

An Amazing Day

Watching History on 1-20-2009. This is a truly amazing day. For me, it seemed as though this day would never come but I know that for many Americans this day was a fantasy. Regardless of your political views, please enjoy what is happening today and understand that it’s a huge […]


Extreme Makeover OWTK edition

The site will be transformed over the next couple days. What you see now may change…don’t be alarmed!



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Obama Biden 2008! It's Officially Offical!

Obama Biden 2008! It's Officially Offical!

As an Obama supporter I am quite pleased with local boy Joe Biden getting the VP nod. So pleased that I went crazy making stylish and cool new Obama Biden t-shirts, bumper stickers and democratic ticket buttons. Love Obama Biden 2008? Buy some Obama Biden shirts, stickers and mugs today.

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