kid's music reviews

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Road

That’s not a question. It’s also not a type-o.

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Road is one of the clever fictitious street names that decorate Tabby Road, the new Recess Monkey record (to be released on July 15th). If album art is any indication of the kind of music that waits inside then Recess Monkey is quirky, creative and goofy yet detail-oriented and refined.

Such a paradox often delivers, be it in an individual’s personality or as is the case here in the artist output of a talented group of musicians, fascinating results – far more so than an individual or band who looks silly, acts silly and writes silly songs. That act could then simply be defined as, well, silly. Those cool cats who present themselves in a more diverse light tend to have a complexity and a depth to them that not only intrigues but also endears them to the hearts and minds of others.

Such is the case with Recess Monkey. Their desire to showcase a playfulness along side their craftsmanship speak volumes about the type of people and the type of band they are.

They’ve created a whole city, in detailed map form anyway, for the Tabby Road artwork and have crafted a clean, fun Beatles ala Ben Fold’s Five vibe on the 17 tracks that comprise this highly-contagious new effort.

Recess Monkey have a lot going for them. The have the coolest band logo in kiddie rock. They’re from Seattle, one of the more picturesque and interesting cities in the U.S, and they have written one of the best songs of 2008. S-L-Double E-P-Over feels like a Shins song, you know…if the Shins wrote music for kids with lyrics that were linear and on-the-surface-meaningful. It’s the catchiest damn thing you’ll hear this summer.

Listen to numerous cuts, including S-L-Double E-P-Over, Kitty Sister and more

Recess Monkey is a trio of dudes who, when not inspiring young people through their witty brit-pop inspired kindie (the marriage of “kids” and “indie”) rock, are inspiring them in an educational manner of speaking via a very cool independent elementary school in Seattle where they all teach.

Tabby Road, Recess Monkey’s 4th album, is highly recommended for fans of the aforementioned Ben Folds, The Beatles, The Shins and children’s act Justin Roberts.

Catch Recess Monkey on tour this summer, including a special Monday afternoon performance at World Cafe Live in Philly on July 28th.

Pre-order your copy of Tabby Road today!

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