So Much Time So Little To Do

Philadelphia International Childrens Festival

The international kid’s fest sponsored by the University of Penn kicked off this morning in Philadelphia. This homage to all things diverse and kid-oriented features four radically different acts – hip-hop spoken word poetry, Ecuadorian multi-instrumentalists, West African Kora music and North American roots-kiddie-rocker Brady Rymer & his Little Band That Could.

The festival utilizes a rotating performance schedule that has the four acts playing multiple daytime and early evening shows over the next three days. OWTK will be at Rymer’s Friday morning gig.

Check out the full sched here and but tickets here. While in Philly, make a full weekend out of it by catching Rebecca Freeza at World Cafe Live on Saturday morning and then have a picnic and a stroll along Boathouse Row. It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend in town!


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