Disaster has been averted! The crack team also known as the TSA uncovered my sinister plan to smother each and every one of the 50 passengers squeezed on to our tiny plane with Rendezvous BBQ sauce. Fortunately for all aboard ,and frankly the nation as a whole, my $3.50 sealed bottle of tasty sauce, a Memphis treat that is available for purchase for $4.99 on both sides of the security checkpoint at the Memphis airport, was confiscated.
Dry rub, it turns out, does not pose a serious national security threat but my sealed bottle of liquid Tylenol (I can’t swallow pills) almost did. Luckily a supervisor was nearby for my helpful TSA rep to shout the $10,000 question…and I quote “Is this considered medicine?” Yes genius, it is.

Our home construction is finally finished. The 5 week job that lasted 8 calendar months wrapped up last week and we couldn’t be more…nonplussed about it. I guess it’s the anti-climactic end to the nightmare but we’re just not stoked to have that extra room. It’s just there and my only regret is that I didn’t write about the entire experience. What a waste of prime blog material!
We are days away from the 2nd Anniversary of Out With The Kids! Just like last year, I have a ton of great giveaways scheduled. It should be quite a joyful celebration of this lil‘ blog…you’ll laugh, you’ll cry…and if you’re lucky you might win some sweet swag.