Indeed, Fox Searchlight Pictures is releasing an animated full length feature of Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who. Already fans of the book and the audio version (read perfectly by Dustin Hoffman), we greet the news of a film version with much trepidation. See, OWTK generally feels Hollywood ups the crude humor, finds something “sexual” and bastardizes the original work (see “Cat in the Hat”). That being said, the trailer for Horton seems jolly enough (no lame fart jokes in the whole two minute clip – amazin’). So for now, I will remain mildly excited about the news of a Horton movie (featuring the voices of Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Seth Rogen and others)
See for yourself.
Anyone else disturbed by the trend of flipping kids books into more “grown-up” (I cannot possibly use that word more loosely) movies?