Post Tagged with: "trader joe’s"

The 8 Best Foods At Trader Joe’s
Parenting Blog

The 8 Best Foods At Trader Joe’s

Have you been into a Trader Joe’s store recently? It’s as if a pumpkin patch exploded in there, coating the store’s decorations, the product packaging and the foods themselves in an autumnal hue. I think everything save for the eggs has a new pumpkin spice-flavored alternative on the shelf at […]

Trader Joe’s Recipe: Perline Pasta and Prosciutto in Maple Butter Sauce
Parenting Blog

Trader Joe’s Recipe: Perline Pasta and Prosciutto in Maple Butter Sauce

This recipe is amazing, cheap, simple and fast. Here’s how to make Trader Joe’s Perline Pasta and Prosciutto in a Maple Butter Sauce. Start with these adorable little pasta purses from Trader Joe’s, bring to a boil as directed and while that Hot Water Magic (proper noun capitalization because that […]

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