Post Tagged with: "SITS Girls"

Share Your Ickiest Story And Win Big During The Ick Awards
Parenting Blog

Share Your Ickiest Story And Win Big During The Ick Awards

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Clorox. Sure, there are messier jobs. Coal miners get awfully filthy and the poor souls on bathroom duty in French Quarter bars don’t have it (big) easy, ahem, to say the least, but parenting, especially parenting during the early […]

Our Crazy Beautiful Summer
Parenting Blog

Our Crazy Beautiful Summer

The Mrs. has been home all summer.  I have yet to discuss why here on OWTK, but sh*t got ugly with her family and as a result my dear wife needed desperately to take a leave from the soul-sucking cubicle farm.  That’s the short version. And that’s all you’re getting. […]

Parenting Blog

More Birthdays, Less Cancer: The American Cancer Society

Defying all reasonable odds, I have not been lethally touched by cancer in any way. My father had a major scare this year but all indications are positive that he will be fine. At least from a cancer standpoint – Ha! The video below from the American Cancer Society promotes […]

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