OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast
on June 1, 2014 at 7:48 am ×
I’m physically exhausted. Some people run marathons. Some do Crossfit. Some Wii Fit. Others, Fitbit. Me, I assemble, by hand, a monthly podcast for you and your kids, and this month I have doubled my efforts to bring you over an hour of free kid’s music perfect for summer vacations […]
OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast / OWTK Kindie Music News
on June 1, 2012 at 7:00 am ×
Bright, sunny, and warm: those were my goals for the June episode of the hottest (why not?) kindie music podcast in all the land. I think I accomplished all three with these ten songs. Here’s the playlist for June, enjoy!: Sugar Free Allstars “All On A Sunday Afternoon” from All […]
OWTK Kindie Music News / Parenting Blog
on May 10, 2011 at 11:04 am ×
It’s National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Naturally, it’s now that I crumble in my effort to get healthy and exercise regularly. I’m trying to climb back onto the wagon. I am. I swear. Just one more Mr. Softee milkshake and I’m totally there. I applaud Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move […]
OWTK Kindie Album Reviews
on June 16, 2010 at 12:40 pm ×
The Sound: Many decades worth of Rock & Roll style. In the Cafeteria, They Sit With: Bill Harley, Brady Rymer, Dan Zanes, Uncle Rock, Rhythm Child, Starfish – or, simply put, they sit with themselves. Best Moments: This disc (available June 29th) is loaded with Grammy Award talent; Nominee Brady […]
OWTK Kindie Album Reviews
on April 9, 2010 at 2:01 pm ×
RHYTHM CHILD “EAT A BOWL OF CHERRIES” The Sound: Groovy, funky, rhythmic rock designed to get you up and moving. In the Cafeteria, They Sit With: Father Goose, Dan Zanes, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo Best Moments: Rhythm Child proves to be real good at several things. Most notably, they turn […]