
Reason #2 Why I Love Soccer
Parenting Blog / Sports

Reason #2 Why I Love Soccer

I published a sprawling ‘reasons I love soccer‘ story already but there are so many reasons, some tiny and obscure, some massive and obvious, why I absolutely love soccer / English football so this is going to be a series. Here’s reason #2 Why I Love Soccer. America is descending […]

The Kia Niro Drives Me To Happiness
Big Guy Car Guy / Sports

The Kia Niro Drives Me To Happiness

I’ve been on this earth for nearly 500 months. I’ve seen more sport, live and in person, in May 2017 than any single month in my life. I did it all in the fuel efficient comfort of my charming, sporty, hybrid beauty, cherry red Kia Niro. The Kia Niro drives […]

A Son and The Masters
Most Popular Stories / Parenting Blog / Sports

A Son and The Masters

On some base level it’s always been about the search for a connection. I’ve got two older brothers, 11 and 12 years my elder. One has the business he took over from our dad. That’s a tie that binds in ways on an off a Quickbooks payroll file.  The other […]

The Final Pilgrimage

The Final Pilgrimage

Attempts to equate sports with religion never fail to sound trite at best, blasphemous at worst. And yet here I am, about to describe for you my final pilgrimage to a place of concrete and metal, a place constructed with unsavory angular exterior walls and sharp points jutting out into […]

Nine Best English Football Ground Names

Nine Best English Football Ground Names

More and more sporting grounds, from baseball ballparks in San Diego to football stadiums in Philadelphia, are being branded with corporate names in exchange for suitcases full of money. While this is happening all over England too, there are still many football grounds with not only non-corporate names but really […]

A Detroit Dream Comes True For Two Dads
Sports / Travel

A Detroit Dream Comes True For Two Dads

I made my debut for the fine, dad-centric traveling site Traveling Dads this week with a tale of dreams fulfilled, Pokemon Go, The White Stripes, a doomed hockey palace, friendship, and being in love with being a dad. What I neglected to mention, and show, in the Traveling Dads […]

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Friday Premier League Football

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Friday Premier League Football

In its latest, but most certainly not its last, money grab, the English Premier League, in cahoots with its sugar daddy pimp known as LIVE TELEVISION added, for the first time ever, a dozen 8pm local time Friday matches scattered throughout the 2016-2017 fixture list. Some of these football matches […]

Watching the World Series With My Dad
Parenting Blog / Sports

Watching the World Series With My Dad

I’d already texted my mom and dad to let them get some sleep knowing I was on the ground safely  (a tradition of parent/child communication I adhere to vehemently), now ESPN Radio played me the final outs from Wrigley as I drove home from the airport. Nothing but called strikes […]

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