OWTK KidLit + Comics
on January 18, 2009 at 10:09 pm ×
Jane Yolen (Owl Moon, How Do Dinosaurs…) hits the mark again with Mama’s Kiss, a whimsical little book that the Bear and Mouse both adore. The story involves an runaway kiss, it’s path out into nature, and flight back home again where it belongs. The illustrations are delightful and the […]
OWTK KidLit + Comics
on November 22, 2008 at 4:49 pm ×
Many children are, at this exact moment, hard at work on the 1st or 2nd draft of their annual piece de resistance. Decisions of unquestioned importance are being weighed by bright-eyed youngsters everywhere – a blue or red scooter? or maybe, these days, the question is whether to request a […]
OWTK KidLit + Comics
on August 8, 2007 at 9:32 pm ×
So landis mom, of the super duper blog Bumblee Sweet Potato, recently returned from my favorite place in the world – Provence, France. Upon her return she launched a neat little contest asking fellow bloggers to write about “a kid-type thing that you enjoy more than your kids–or enjoy more […]
OWTK KidLit + Comics
on February 28, 2007 at 5:04 pm ×
Below are three books that have been fixtures in our house over the last couple months. Track these down at your local library or pick them up from a fine independent bookseller in your area (should one still exist). You could also purchase them from Amazon.com by clicking on the […]