OWTK KidLit + Comics

Humans of New York To Release Little Humans of New York Kids Picture Book

LITTLE HUMANS of New York Book

The very successful HUMANS OF NEW YORK book will welcome its first child into the world tomorrow. Brandon Stanton, the genius street photographer behind the Humans of New York phenomenon has compiled portraits of city kids for LITTLE HUMANS OF NEW YORK, a picture book for kids. Pre-order today and save a ton from Amazon.

The book of tiny faces with big smiles follows a similar formula as its parent volume, with big bold photographs and little else. I’d like to have seen a bit more about the kids, maybe a quote from each, something to engage with their personalities a little more. I think my girls would enjoy hearing their voices, so to speak, even if just a little bit.

Look for LITTLE HUMANS OF NEW YORK everywhere books are sold tomorrow, October 8 2014.

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