OWTK Kindie Album Reviews

Joanie Leeds – What A Zoo! Kid’s CD Mini Review


Joanie Leeds has likely been, to this point in her kid’s music career, a polarizing figure.  For every critic praising her obvious vocal talents, there’d be another dissing the undeniable gloss in the saccharine sweet production.  I get it, and I more or less agree with folks on both sides of the aisle.

It’ll probably never happen in our Nation’s Capital, but Leeds’ 3rd effort “What A Zoo” is gonna find bi-partisan support.  A lot of it.  And for a themed album too!  Crazy, I know.

Leeds’ singing is, rightfully so, still the star attraction at this zoo – it’s panda bear or white tiger if you will. While the voice will sell the tickets, it’s the improved tone of her music that will lock down the family memberships.  The vibe set down by The Nightlights, the NYC-based singer’s crack band, is far less earnest than on “I’m A Rock Star” and the result is a confident album measurably warmer and, maybe more importantly, infinitely more re-listenable.  It’s also the personalities of the animals – manatees, butterflies and hummingbirds are pretty endearing in their own right (mosquitoes, not so much) – that help to inject a natural sweetness into these tunes, even the most bombastic ones.  Another positive decision is to stick, more or less, to a single genre.  The result is a winning disc with several great, great songs.

Best Moments: The opening line of “Hummingbird”, the album’s 1st ballad and story-song, is highly visual and very beautiful.  Like “Give Me a Hug” from her previous disc, it’s a chance for Leeds to show off her songwriting as well as her tenderness.  The more upbeat “Sea Cow” makes me want to dive in and swim alongside one of those massive vegetarians.  Leeds then breaks the record for “bigger than” compare/contrast usage, but even that doesn’t damper the rockin’ “Big Blue Whale” (the Mouse’s favorite tune on the CD).  It will not, however, get me near the water when one of those imposing fellas are around.

The buoyant “If You Go” is both the highlight of, and the tune that encapsulates the entire album.  At it’s core is 2 1/2 minutes of animals sounds, which generally is akin to water torture, but “If You Go” features an infectious backbeat, including a strong, steady tambourine, and is brilliant head-bopping fun – just like the rest of “What a Zoo!”, Joanie Leeds’ best kindie album yet.

*OWTK received a copy of “What A Zoo!” for review considerations.  The opinions expressed above are unbiased and honest.  No arm-twisting took place in the review process.

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