Dad Central

Win A Trip to The Clorox Toilet Bowl

New Orleans is on the table as a possible destination for OWTK’s 2011 Spring Break getaway, but I sure as heck wouldn’t mind heading down to the Bayou sooner – say, mid-January.  Now, thanks to Clorox, we all have a shot to flee the winter cold, stroll the French Quarter with nine of our closest friends, and play a fun flag football game coached & quarterbacked by The Bachelor and current ESPN college football analyst Jesse Palmer.  You’ll also get a 3 day/2 night stay in the Big Easy.  Sounds awesome, no?

Let me run all that past you again in case you missed anything: There’ll be two finalists, each will get to fly 9 (!) folks down to NOLA for a mini-vacation and play football with former-Florida Gator Jesse Palmer in the 1st annual Clorox Toilet Bowl.  Holy crap (pun kinda intended), that is so cool.

One problem for me is that if I win, I’m not sure I’d be able to field an able-bodied flag football team: my dad is on IR (toe/knee) and I’m doubtful (back) for the rest of the season.  My two older, but more physically fit brothers would jump at the chance and would likely not injure themselves upon landing.

My middle brother plays in an annual Turkey Day rough-touch game with his over-40 friends and neighbors.  Last year, he was out of commission for days afterwards.  Yet, like any competitive fella (read: knucklehead), he’s going back for seconds of that hurt this Thanksgiving.  In a tune up match for the big game, both my brothers recently took to the gridiron only to see the oldest exit with a severely blackened eye – just days before a business trip to Italy!  Oh why do we boys do the things we do?  Oh yeah, ’cause it’s football and it’s awesome!  There exists tiny bits of middle-age glory in diving for that errant throw, sliding through the mud, and downing the QB with the game on the line.  And our breath just looks cooler on a frosty day with a football in our hands.

We play to receive a hearty slap on the back and a few “atta-boys” over a cold beverage.  We endure the yearly aches and pains in exchange for a thrilling anecdote with no expiration date.  Before, those pigskin exploits were confined to the post-game cooler or, more recently, to a boastful Facebook status update.  Now they can be made more real and, maybe, more famous, by making the one-handed grab, diving “tackle”, or mad dash for the endzone while in New Orleans playing in the inaugural Clorox Toilet Bowl Game.

All you gotta do is enter the contest and get your eye black (and Ace bandages) ready.

To enter the sweepstakes for the Clorox Toilet Bowl Flag Football Getaway, visit the hilariously-named Ode to the Commode Facebook Page, upload a football-themed photo of you and/or your gang, and pick a team name and colors.  Then, cross fingers, pray, or sacrifice a goat (okay, don’t do that), and you and your buddies could be off to New Orleans in January 2011!

*I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour campaign by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of Clorox and received a gift code, toilet wand and football as a ‘thank you’ for participating.

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