Some of the most enjoyable children’s television we’ve ever watched hasn’t been television at all. Scholastic Storybook DVDs have a special place in our hearts and have served as our commercial free alternative to Noggin, PBSKids and the like. Even the character-filled intro to each DVD is greeted with applause in my house. The newest box set from Scholastic, My Very First Treasury of 50 Storybook Classics
, includes some of the finest programs Scholastic has ever featured on DVD.
This hefty set contains our personal favorite Scholastic disc, Knuffle Bunny. It’s a group of animated shorts which, in addition to the fantastic title story by Mo Willems, also includes the lovely Shrinking Violet, Brave Irene and Planting a Rainbow. It’s the strongest DVD collection, top to bottom, we’ve ever seen from Scholastic. (You have a chance to win this one!! Keep on reading)
There are 7 DVDs in all here, totaling 50 stories/storybooks! The Harold the Purple Crayon set contains 3 separate Harold cartoons along with The Foolish Frog by Pete Seeger. Good Night, Gorilla comes with the equally comma-ed and cherished Happy Birthday, Moon. I could go on and on.
The My Very First Treasury of 50 Scholastic Classics is simply a humongous collection of well-loved classics that will provide hours upon hours of wholesome screen time fun for your preschoolers.
Also available is the smaller, but equally terrific collection of 20 Scholastic Treasury Classics (now only $16 on Amazon, that $4 a DVD!), featuring Bear Snores On, Roberto the Insect Architect and the wonderful Henry Goes to Fitchburg (which is about Walden Woods and Henry David Thoreau), plus 17 other tales. It’s a more affordable option for those looking for a bounty of good, clean family TV viewing without marketers trying to get your kids to nag you for the latest piece of crap plastic toy on the shelves at Toys-R-Us.
Want some of the discs in these collections? I’ve split ’em up because many are duplicates of those we already own. Plus, I just love to share. Enter a comment here before 11:59 pm (ET) on Friday, April 16th 2009 for your chance to win one of the following 3 DVD collections:
KNUFFLE BUNNY, CORDUROY, and DAIRY OF A SPIDER. There will be 3 winners in total, each receiving 1 of the above titles.
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