kid's music reviews

Music Together "Family Favorites" CD Review & Giveaway

Have you ever wanted to sit in on your young toddler’s day at school or daycare? I have ’cause I always wondered what they did all day, how they interacted with all those kids at once and how my daughters reacted to the games/sounds/music/activities that were introduced in class. I regret not being able to see their reactions the first time certain things were taught or explained to them. Well, now you can, sort of, experience a part of what school is like at that age with this wonderful new compilation CD from Music Together – you know, those fine folks that run those parent-child music classes.

The “Family Favorites” CD is comprised of 19 tunes that are best listened to while sitting circle-time style together as a family but also work well in the car on that looong road trip with your little ones snug in the backseat. The CD comes with a great 32 page booklet containing audience participation suggestions for each track – sometimes you are encouraged to alter lyrics, as on the fun Wheels-on-the-Bus-ish “Ridin’ in the Car”, or you are provided tips on little movement ideas designed to make the music interactive for your pre-schoolers.

“Family Favorites” is an enjoyable and entertaining musical journey for your little ones, think age 3 and under, although the Bear (4 1/2) does enjoy spinning around the room with a stuffed friend while the carousel-esque waltz of “Dancing with Teddy” plays in the background. She also kicks it on Mississippi Cat as she attempts to scat along with the jazz. Mostly though, this record is made for the Mouse and other kiddies in the 10 months to 3 years range. The Mouse digs sitting on the floor with us, slapping her lap, just like she does at school, and rocking back and forth to the fun and diverse blues/jazz/rock/folk music on “Family Favorites”.

Not only does OWTK recommend this find collection of music, I’m also pleased to be able to give away one copy to a lucky reader. Simply leave a comment here by the end of the day on Thursday Sept 25th 2008 (12pm Eastern Time) and you’ll have a chance to win your own copy of Music Together’s “Family Favorites”. Can’t wait to see if you win the giveaway? Buy the CD now!

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