As you may or may not know, some 10 years ago I ran an indie rock record label that went on to release a total of five records (3 vinyl and 2 cd). The label was called MindWalk and I started it, in large part, because of a trio called drill for absentee.
A little more than a year later the band and I would release this song called “This Process Will Make Chicago Wave It’s Little Hand” (recorded much, much better of course in a studio) on a 7″ piece of vinyl. That was MindWalk 01, the first of five releases under my label’s moniker. Believe it or not, that record is out of print but can still be sampled and purchased on iTunes and most other digital music providers. Check it out if you like Fugazi, June of 44, Slint, Hoover and other kick-ass math-rock, post-punk, soft/loud rock music. DFA’s “Circle Music” 5 song CD (MW04) is still available if you would like to pick up a copy (the artwork is pretty awesome – that is the handmade cover of the CD jacket at the top of this post).