My gang saw Brady Rymer and The Little Band That Could yesterday morning at World Cafe Live in Philly and came away more than impressed. The Mrs. and I turned to each other after the final chord stopped reverberating and said “that was the best kid’s show we’ve ever seen”.
Brady brand of kid’s music is straight up rock-n-roll from the word go. No act, no ancillary silliness…just fun, sweaty upbeat rock. T’was awesome. OWTK totally recommends that you and you family get out and see Brady and his band sometime soon.
The band played mostly new tunes, from the excellent record “Here Comes Brady Rymer and The Little Band That Could” released last week. Here is a little video of Brady performing the first verse and refrain of the instant classic “One True You” – a lovely song about the traits and characteristics we pass along to our children.
After the show we headed down the Schyulkill for the Phillies spring training “on-deck” game against the Toronto Blue Jays. To enter the ballpark and see that immaculate green grass almost took my breath away.
If there is anything better than rock-n-roll and baseball back-to-back I have no idea what it is.