So Much Time So Little To Do

Saturday, on a delay

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I am three days behind.

We had a terrific Saturday late-morning/early afternoon. The three of us were in Philly for the Gustafer Yellowgold show at World Cafe Live and then spent a couple quality hours in the beautiful new Franklin Square Park at 7th and Arch St. – riding the carousel, doing sand art and walking through a really cool sand sculpture version of Egypt (must have been in conjunction with the King Tut thingy at the Art Museum).

Here are some pictures, working backwards.

The skyline behind the Sphinx-esque sculpture looked much more striking and visually interesting in person than it does in photo form.

My daughter filling up a plastic duck necklace with a rainbow of colors. This was a free craft table specially for Mother’s Day weekend.

And, of course, Morgan Taylor and band performing Gustafer Yellowgold. They played the entire new DVD (including Rocket Shoes) with the exception of Mint Green Bee – which naturally is what I was most excited to see and hear. It is my fave GY tune.

The band is now selling 10″ plush Gustafer dolls. Very cute. I have no pics of him, but lil’ Gusty rode the carousel and the swing set all afternoon. He is also the new #1 snuggle-mate at bedtime.

*****OWTK Anniversary Contest #1 begins tomorrow!*****

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