The OWTK family has been dreadful in this category. We constantly neglect to consider gifts for our girl’s daycare…and our mail carrier, spring water delivery person, trash folks…
Since we bought our first home five years ago and then had a child a couple years later, we have never gotten into the habit of buying gifts/giving money/and so on to the service industry individuals that positively impact our lives. Because we are now coming-to-gripes with our deficiencies in this area we have a Gift Guide post that may help all of us.
1) Fruit and/or Cookie, Candy Baskets. Perfect for giving a thoughtful gift to the masses – ideal for schools, daycares, etc.
We are looking at this one from
2) Lottery Sratch-n-Play cards. A 5 or 10 pack of these chances for big a payday may be the right gift for a mail carrier or exterminator.
3) Gift Cards to a convienence store (we have a local chain called WaWa that is amazingly popular with commuters).
4) Gift Certificates to a local pizza place and movie house.
Naturally, you want to consider the overall cost of this gift since many schools and daycare providers have numerous employees. You do not want to end up dropping $25 per person, well, unless your family can afford such an expense. OWTK certainly can not, but a $30 basket of goodies for the handful of teachers in the Tiger room might just be the perfect gift!