Tired of the usually holiday routine of gifts lazily lying about, waiting for a child to carelessly tear through the paper in seach of their prize? Why not try something a little different this year. Geocache the Holidays!
This one will work for those already versed in Geocaching as well as for those families looking to dive head first into this emerging hobby and lifestyle.
The idea is simple, really. Lets assume your family does not own a GPS device yet. You purchase a one (they range in price from around $80 on up to the thousands) and plan to give that as gift #1. Next “wrap” some of the other gifts as caches and place/hide them around your house, lawn, neighborhood (nothing too valuable inside, of course) and make note of the exact coordinates. Then type up, handwrite, or arrange cut-out letters from various magazines (ransom note style) each set of coordinates. You could list them all on one page or if you plan to give one large gift, you could make the caches nothing more than a progressive treasure hunt with advancing clues – filling each cache only with the next set of coordinates and a fun little hint (no real gift). Maybe you will have them come full circle, ending up back where they started, with the surprise waiting for them in the next room or garage.
Turn your holiday into a high tech game of hide and seek. The kids will surely never forget it! Then spend the days that follow registering and navigating the official Geocaching website for other “foreign” caches in your area. The lucky gift recepient will surely turn into a big geocache fan before you know it – it is contagious!
For those individuals already with Geocaching experience and equipment, consider this is an entertaining and unique way to transfer your love of the hobby to a child, friend, or other family member. Imagine the look on their faces when you hand them an envelope with nothing but coordinates inside and slap your GPS device into their palm – with an enthusiastic “Have Fun!” to send them on their merry way!
Not familiar with Geocaching? It was mentioned previously, at a high level, on OWTK. Click here for a quick primer.