*Reader Submitted Event*
OWTK reader M.S. wrote to tell us of this upcoming Kid’s concert at World Cafe Live in Philadelphia, PA:
“Rebecca Frezza and Big Truck – You may have seen her on Noggin on Jack’s Big Music Show. Great original music with an 8 piece band – no canned electronic keyboards here! They’ll be appearing on Saturday July 15 at World Cafe Live. Check out the band’s website and preview MP3 and Real Audio clips of each of their songs. They are available for free under the Music and Lyrics Tab” – M.S.
The show is part of World Cafe Live’s Peanut Butter and Jams Saturday morning Kid’s concert series. All shows begin at 11:30am (doors open at 11am) and typically cost $10 for adults and $7 for kids 1-12 (babies under 1 are free). The venue offers a kid’s buffet lunch for an additional charge (same price as the tickets, $10 and $7).
Tickets are available here.
If you also have an event you think OWTK readers and their kids would enjoy, please email us: outwiththekids@comcast.net
Out With The Kids