Post Tagged with: "Stephen Shaskan"

ONE TRACK MIND (Halloween Edition): Stephen Shaskan “Down By The Graves”
ONE TRACK MIND / OWTK Kindie Music News

ONE TRACK MIND (Halloween Edition): Stephen Shaskan “Down By The Graves”

Other than Barney Saltzberg, there’s not a whole lot of quality crossover between the worlds of kid’s lit and kid’s music. Little did I know, when I reviewed his fantastic debut kid’s book A Dog is a Dog, that author Stephen Shaskan is also a children’s recording artist. His songs, […]

Kid’s Book Review: A Dog is a Dog
OWTK KidLit + Comics

Kid’s Book Review: A Dog is a Dog

A DOG IS A DOG by Stephen Shaskan This debut picture book from art school grad Stephen Shaskan is a real page turner. A Dog is a Dog presents a preposterous case of a hidden identity with an upbeat rhyming pattern and with genuine surprises along the way.  There’s also […]

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