Post Tagged with: "parenting advice"

What I’ve Learned About Parenting By Parenting Tweens
Parenting Blog

What I’ve Learned About Parenting By Parenting Tweens

There’s a graduation party for every grade now. A child “graduates” from Pre-K to Kindergarten. Then, a short 12 months later, there’s yet another ceremony to honor that illustrious year of building with blocks and inner ear infection co-pays. Some schools are also audacious enough to squeeze in a couple […]

3 Simple Ways to Make Any Art Museum Awesome for Kids
Parenting Blog

3 Simple Ways to Make Any Art Museum Awesome for Kids

We’ve all been there. It’s raining, has been for what seems like ages. The kids have been cooped up indoors and you’re going mad. You’ve got to get yourself and them O-U-T of the house N-O-W. While scanning the piles of unfolded laundry, mountains of toys and, is that a […]

8 Things I Won’t Stop Doing As A Dad of Tween Daughters
Parenting Blog

8 Things I Won’t Stop Doing As A Dad of Tween Daughters

I’m not going to insult parents of young children who say that the lack of sleep and the diaper years are difficult, they can be indeed, or try to convince anyone that toddler tantrums are a joyous experience, they’re absolutely not, but you’re not really in the weeds as a […]

Dear Kids, You Cannot Be Anything You Want
Parenting Blog

Dear Kids, You Cannot Be Anything You Want

Kids, you may want to sit down for this. You too, mom and dad, although I trust, deep down, you already know what you’re about to read is true. Despite what everyone from your doting elementary school teachers to the encouraging dude at the barber shop has been telling you […]

Not Saying Every Thing
Parenting Blog

Not Saying Every Thing

Still learning how to be decent, how to hold back to make the future and present tense better so that nothing gets lost.

Looking Foolish to the Crowd — A Life Lesson Under the Hood
Most Popular Stories / Parenting Blog

Looking Foolish to the Crowd — A Life Lesson Under the Hood

There was a Chinese symbol, written haphazardly in black ink, encased inside a cheaply made, 6×9 black plastic frame. It was one of my few prized possessions, so it came with me to Philly and hung bedside in my first two apartments and later, it made the trip to my […]

8 Things You Need to Know About Raising Tweens
Parenting Blog

8 Things You Need to Know About Raising Tweens

The internet and the calendar both tell me I’ve got one, so here are 8 things you need to know about raising a tween.

What Time Is The Best Time for Bedtime?
Parenting Blog

What Time Is The Best Time for Bedtime?

I was a participant in the Life of Dad #BedtimeBattle Twitter party last week for the Elo Pillow, a clever storytelling head pillow designed for young kids, to help keep them snug (emphasis on the words keep them) in their own bed while Clifford, Owl Moon, Curious George and other […]

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