Post Tagged with: "Davy Jones"

OWTK Kindie Music News

RIP Davy Jones

Most will always know Davy Jones as a Monkee, and rightfully so as the original TV band had a profound impact on the history of pop music and, later, the Shrek movie empire.  But there are at least a few youngsters, two of whom reside in my home, who were […]

OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Billy Kelly “Me and My Brand New Haircut” Video with Davy Jones (The Monkees)

I don’t know of any kid’s music video that has had 1) a teaser video and 2) a release date. Well, I do know of one, this one, for “Me and My Brand New Haircut” from Billy Kelly’s sophomore kindie CD “Is This Some Kind Of Joke?” The video was […]

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