Post Tagged with: "vitamins"

More Than A Multivitamin, Smarty Pants Helps Shrink My ‘Food Clock’
Parenting Blog

More Than A Multivitamin, Smarty Pants Helps Shrink My ‘Food Clock’

This story is told in partnership with Smarty Pants Vitamins. In the end it will be known as the picture that saved my life. We were together on a press trip, on the Florida panhandle, offseason but still seasonably pleasant enough for time spent relaxing on the finely crushed quartz […]

Running Smarty Towards #750in2015 + A SmartyPants Vitamin Giveaway
OWTK Giveaways

Running Smarty Towards #750in2015 + A SmartyPants Vitamin Giveaway

Everything hurts. I ran 7.15 miles last Wednesday, the furthest distance I’ve ever traveled in a single day, and as I sit here now, on May 4th, some 5 days later, every single. thing. still. hurts. My fingers ache, which obviously makes no sense at all. All ten toes are […]

Dad Central / Parenting Blog

Product Review: Emergen-C Vitamins for Kids

It’d be fantastic if children got 100% of the required vitamins and minerals from natural sources. It’d be wonderful if the adults in their life had and took the time to shop for fresh fruits and veggies, and to prepare school lunches instead of relying on plastic-wrapped trash like Lunchables. […]

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