Post Tagged with: "TuneIn"

Improve Your Music and Podcast Life with TuneIn
iPhone Apps

Improve Your Music and Podcast Life with TuneIn

It really couldn’t be more ill-timed. Oh sure, it seems perfect on paper, that’s true, school pickup is indeed at halftime of midweek European football fixtures and of all Champions League matches. Should be easy peasy then: run out, grab ’em, get back for the 2nd half kick. Yeah, no. […]

Tailgating At Home During The Holidays
Parenting Blog

Tailgating At Home During The Holidays

We’d just finished dinner, chicken (and fake chicken) and cheese quesadillas. Yum. I was washing a pile of dishes — dry skin cracking beneath near-burning water and tangerine scented suds. The new Gustafer Yellowgold album was still spinning on my phone, which was plugged in 18″ from the double sink […]

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