Parenting Blog
on May 14, 2014 at 9:12 am ×
Sometimes, there’s an internet dust-up about kids being left alone with their dads. Oh, this isn’t because something bad happened when a child spent quality alone time with their father, no, this is because some mom with an audience decided to roast all dads by penning some hideous diatribe on […]
Parenting Blog
on March 1, 2013 at 8:46 am ×
Let me first admit to not always being the fighter my fellow dad bloggers are. With internet dust-ups like the Huggies commercial thing and the Amazon Mom program, I am often not in the ring punching away. I’m more of the cut-me guy, or the hot girl with the round […]
Parenting Blog
on January 24, 2013 at 9:18 am ×
The kids in grade school teased me because of my big head. They were right. It was, and still is, larger than most. How else am I to store away my super brain? Later, the majority of my classmates in the all-boys prep school I attended for four years thought […]
OWTK TV News / Parenting Blog
on October 27, 2011 at 9:20 am ×
It’s the best hyperbole week ever here on OWTK! Note to all marketers and advertising executives: this is how the modern dad would like to be portrayed on television! A big chest pump, high five, and double guns to Tide for nailing it with humor and intelligence; meaning there isn’t […]
Parenting Blog
on October 25, 2011 at 3:20 pm ×
By definition I am an at-home dad. This much is true. But that definition is tweaked quite a bit on Tuesdays and Thursdays when my youngest, the Mouse, attends a full day Pre-K class. With her sister already gone daily to 2nd grade, this leaves me alone. Master of my […]
Parenting Blog
on May 28, 2010 at 7:03 am ×
Every good thing must come to an end. Yesterday marked the end of my days as an at-home dad without kids. I love my girls, naturally, but damn did I love my Tuesdays and Thursdays home alone. The Mouse who, as of 1:07 am (ET) today is a 3-year-old, has […]
Parenting Blog
on February 1, 2010 at 9:51 am ×
I’ve been a Stay at Home Dad for 17-months. In that time, I’ve discovered that I enjoy some weird things, things that 18-months ago would have brought me little to no joy. A 6pm trip to the grocery store, for example, to pick up a pack of pull-ups…”oh, are we […]
So Much Time So Little To Do
on March 16, 2008 at 4:25 pm ×
That is my goal…and it’s also one of the new Justin Roberts cuts on his forthcoming record “Pop Fly”. He played that awesome song along with the title track and a rockin’ assortment of older diddies such as “Imaginary Rhino”, “Meltdown!”, “I Chalk” and “Way Out” at a SOLD OUT! […]