Post Tagged with: "SAHD"

The Amazing Zach Rosenberg Does It Again — 25 Reasons Kids Should Be Left Alone With Their Dads
Parenting Blog

The Amazing Zach Rosenberg Does It Again — 25 Reasons Kids Should Be Left Alone With Their Dads

Sometimes, there’s an internet dust-up about kids being left alone with their dads. Oh, this isn’t because something bad happened when a child spent quality alone time with their father, no, this is because some mom with an audience decided to roast all dads by penning some hideous diatribe on […]

Parenting Blog

The Problem With Dadvertising

Let me first admit to not always being the fighter my fellow dad bloggers are. With internet dust-ups like the Huggies commercial thing and the Amazon Mom program, I am often not in the ring punching away. I’m more of the cut-me guy, or the hot girl with the round […]

The Whole Mr. Mom And Modern Dad Thing
Parenting Blog

The Whole Mr. Mom And Modern Dad Thing

The kids in grade school teased me because of my big head. They were right. It was, and still is, larger than most. How else am I to store away my super brain? Later, the majority of my classmates in the all-boys prep school I attended for four years thought […]

OWTK TV News / Parenting Blog

The Best Stay At Home Dad Commercial Ever

It’s the best hyperbole week ever here on OWTK! Note to all marketers and advertising executives: this is how the modern dad would like to be portrayed on television! A big chest pump, high five, and double guns to Tide for nailing it with humor and intelligence; meaning there isn’t […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: Sometimes I Even Wear Pants

By definition I am an at-home dad.  This much is true.  But that definition is tweaked quite a bit on Tuesdays and Thursdays when my youngest, the Mouse, attends a full day Pre-K class.  With her sister already gone daily to 2nd grade, this leaves me alone.  Master of my […]

My Last Independence Day
Parenting Blog

My Last Independence Day

Every good thing must come to an end. Yesterday marked the end of my days as an at-home dad without kids. I love my girls, naturally, but damn did I love my Tuesdays and Thursdays home alone. The Mouse who, as of 1:07 am (ET) today is a 3-year-old, has […]

Parenting Blog

Finding Joy In The Littlest Things

I’ve been a Stay at Home Dad for 17-months. In that time, I’ve discovered that I enjoy some weird things, things that 18-months ago would have brought me little to no joy.  A 6pm trip to the grocery store, for example, to pick up a pack of pull-ups…”oh, are we […]

Stay-At-Home-Dad and The Justin Roberts show
So Much Time So Little To Do

Stay-At-Home-Dad and The Justin Roberts show

That is my goal…and it’s also one of the new Justin Roberts cuts on his forthcoming record “Pop Fly”. He played that awesome song along with the title track and a rockin’ assortment of older diddies such as “Imaginary Rhino”, “Meltdown!”, “I Chalk” and “Way Out” at a SOLD OUT! […]

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