Best New Children's Music 2012 / OWTK Kindie Album Reviews
on June 17, 2010 at 10:18 am ×
Real quick, because I already reviewed “The Final Funktier” for the June 2010 issue of Time Out New York Kids Magazine… I’m not going to keep you in suspense. Heck, if you read the TONY Kids article, you kinda already know what I think about this CD. So here it […]
OWTK Kindie Music News
on May 28, 2010 at 9:12 pm ×
Yeah, it’s late on Friday night but Readeez has pre-released their latest gem and, well, I just gotta share it. I love referring to our 1st president as “a curly haired guy”. Michael Rachap was 2 seconds away from having this video be the exact same amount of seconds as […]
OWTK Kindie Music News
on April 29, 2010 at 9:39 am ×
Sure, The New York Times can dedicate 300 words to you, but you haven’t really arrived until Michael Rachap gives you a minute. Enjoy this new Readee about Kindiefest:
OWTK Kindie Music News
on February 12, 2010 at 8:14 am ×
The new Readee has arrived on the internets. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you’ll recognize this tune. With “Isabel’s Alphabet (ABC Song)”, Michael Rachap gives parents another way to introduce, and sing-along with, the ABCs – with CAPS Lock both on and off.
OWTK Kindie Music News
on January 13, 2010 at 1:45 pm ×
Mr. Rachap is expanding the Readeez palette with “I’ve Have A Nose”, his latest sub-60-second gem. Here we have a vanishing (and quickly reappearing) nose, dog (or are they rabbit?) ears and a 3rd eye – a look that, frankly, Michael pulls off rather well. Enjoy “I’ve Have A Nose”: […]
OWTK Kindie Music News
on January 9, 2010 at 1:28 pm ×
Curious Parents is a Delaware Valley (NJ/PA/DE) & Leigh Valley/Poconos publication, one of those complimentary rags available in libraries, preschools and other local establishments (much like MetroKids). Each issue is a valuable resource for all the family-friendly happenings and services available in the area. The January issue, out now, features […]
Best New Children's Music 2012 / OWTK Kindie Album Reviews
on November 16, 2009 at 2:28 pm ×
It’s said that good things come in small packages. Michael Rachap, through his Readeez, proves that good things also come inside small songs. Readeez are just like the people they’re intended for – short, sweet, charming and, sometimes, a little goofy. Mr. Rachap is one hell of a songwriter, crafting […]
Kid's Music News
on February 22, 2009 at 5:01 pm ×
The talented Michael Rachap has posted a brand new Readeez video on his YouTube channel. It’s called “Chandelier!” and I do believe it to be his finest effort. Check it out: